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All ENERAL products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant ENERAL: electric motors, autonomous power plants, pumps and motor pumps, fan heaters, air-heat curtains
  • Motors for fans ENERAL
    Motors for fans
    AIRP, AIR..Tr and others .
  • Pumps ENERAL
    GNOME, KM, BCP, ECV, etc.
  • Single-phase electric motors ENERAL
    Single-phase electric motors
    AIRE et al .
  • Three-phase electric motors ENERAL
    Three-phase electric motors
    AIR, AMN, MTN, ARM, ADHR, etc.
  • Motor pumps ENERAL
    Motor pumps
    MPB, MPDB, MPBG, MPDG, etc.
  • Power plants ENERAL
    Power plants
    GB, GD, GB3, GD3, GB2C, etc.
  • Heat curtains ENERAL
    Heat curtains
    ETZ-1DN09, ETZ-1DN10, etc.
  • Fan heaters ENERAL
    Fan heaters
    TVK, TVO, etc.
  • Brake resistors ENERAL
    Brake resistors
    BR-0003-250, BR-0004-150, etc.
  • Frequency converters ENERAL
    Frequency converters
    EFI20-011G-4T, EFI20-015G-4T, etc.
  • Worm gearboxes ENERAL
    Worm gearboxes
    NMRW025, NMRW030, etc.
  • Worm-cylindrical gearboxes ENERAL
    Worm-cylindrical gearboxes
    PCNMRW063/040, PCNMRW063/050, etc.
  • Cylindrical gearboxes ENERAL
    Cylindrical gearboxes
    FC107, FC107RC77
  • Conical-cylindrical gearboxes ENERAL
    Conical-cylindrical gearboxes
    KC107, KC107RC77, etc.
  • Variators ENERAL
    UDL002, UDT020, etc.
  • Fans ENERAL
    VKK, VO, etc.
  • Control stations ENERAL
    Control stations
    SUZ-10, SUZ-100, etc.


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